Hallo Iedereen!!
This week was insane! I know I say that every week, but literally. This week has been the most insane yet. My last weeks title...probably should have been for this week, because boy did I see a miracle this week....just you wait.
But of course I have to save the best part for last...and don't even think about skipping down to the bottom. NO cheaters allowed.
This week for Pday we went to Oostende beach. It was beautiful, but made me miss home a little bit. Just made me think of Tahoe and playing volleyball on the beach. It was pretty close to that though. We did play volleyball on the beach...the only sad part was not being able to cool off in the water. All well.
This week we did exchanges again. This time though, the Antwerpen Zusters both just came here with us...so we got double the door knocking done at the same time doing both sides of the streets. They are awesome sisters. We went to dinner at the Neels (a family in the Branch) and we on the spot, sang a four person harmony to Nader mijn God tot u..(Nearer my God to thee). It was awesome!!!! They have a singing Elders group here, that is like a calling, and we think that we should be the next singing ZUSTERS!! Vote for us;) jk...but that would be fun.
We went to the Verdegems for dinner this week, they are awesome...another family in the Branch. Sasha Verdegem is from Russia, and is an amazing cook. She made us like 10 italian pizzas...soooo yummy. Kevin Verdegem took us and the Elders home after, because they live really far away, and he rapped Wierd Al for us....it was hilarious, and really good haha.
We met this super awesome guy from the West Colonies in Africa on the bus this week. He is muslim and sat and talked to us a while, but was actually super nice and open and respectful. We both commented on his rings and he told us they are from his country and they give him protection. He told us if we come visit him he will give us some, SOOO mom we are going to Africa. Jk but really.
The title...actually it comes from Kevin Verdegem. Apparently I am Bat Girl! WOOOHOOO!! haha because Zuster ROBBINS...Get it? I thought it was pretty cool, especially since I love BatMan!
Also that brings me to my next thing. This week is Transfers...and we are staying in Gent. HALLELUJAH!! I am so excited to be able to continue the work here.
Sadly we are losing Elder Turner, and Elder Frederico. Elder Lovin is staying and is going to be training a new Elder. Also I found out that Elder Fairbanks is going to be in our district now which I am sooooo pumped about. It is cool seeing people from my District in the MTC...because they are like family.
NOW....for the moment you have all been waiting for.
This last Saturday was probably the worst and best day of my entire life. It started out great actually....it was going fine. We had an appt. with a recently baptized member named Antoinette from Ghana. We got on our bikes, I put my bag on the back of Zuster Robbins bike...because yes I am still trying to get used to the weird bikes here and jumping on to my bike with a skirt on.
We set off...
We got there...locked up our bikes, and I went to get my bag from Zuster Robbins. It was gone.
We had literally just biked for about 40 min. We called Antoinette and told her what happened. She is literally amazing and has sooooo much faith. She told me I would find it, without a second thought.
So we set off again. To retrace our entire ride. Well...it got to the point where we were actually back to our appartment by now and I still had not seen a sign of it. I just was praying out loud on the way back. Each pedal I pushed I started to think about what actually was in my bag, and why I couldnt lose it.
My only Book of Mormon and Bible in English.
Preach my gospel in English.
Wallet: including two bank cards, 250 £, temple reccommend, and Drivers licence.
Other Wallet: American Passport, Nederlands residency card, Belgium paper that said I could be here, and travel passes...like my bus pass, and train pass.
and more...
Yep if you cant tell already. I am pretty much an Idiot...dont worry I have learned my lesson.
I literally was getting to the point of distress. We went up to our apartment and Zus. Robbins said a prayer for us. I could not get off my knees. It is one of those things where you want to have so much faith and just take your mind off of it completely. I couldnt even think of a happy thought...well I could. But then that was home and that didnt really help at all. We called President and they figured out how to renew all of the stuff, and told us to go to to the Police station.
We called Marc Symynck, the ward mission leader. He is a saint and even though he was sick, took us to the police station.
Yep that is right everyone, I have already been to the Police Station here in Belgium in just my first six weeks.
We put in a report, which I will keep forever. Pretty cool that I have a report about a missing bag and it tells the whole story of how I lost it in Gent Flemish!! haha
I was beginning to lose hope. We made it back to the apartment...and got our phone from the Elders..(because yep something is happening in Gent, because they lost their phone and have been having to borrow ours.) They were there and I was trying to not cry while telling them everything that I had just lost.
I was trying to think on the bright side, I was like...well I have always wanted a Quad...I could get one of those now...and well at least my journal wasnt in there...because I had just taken it out that morning. I peaked into the mail box...just hoping for something good that day. I didnt see anything.
Zuster Robbins goes "Let's just check the mail" and I said...there isnt anything in there I already peaked in it....she opened it anyways and a tiny little note fell out.
"Hey Ashlie (my middle name)
I found your bag on the ground, I am going to put a smile upon your face" -Tim
I started crying. haha I couldnt help it. We called him and he turned around from where he was to bring it back. wow. Everything was in it. I wanted to just hug the guy soooo hard. We got his address though, and we are going to make him cookies and bring him a Book of Mormon, the best gift we can ever give anyone.
I have no doubt that Heavenly Father answered my prayer. But he did it through someone else. Who knows if I ever could have found that bag without Tim.
My challenge this week, is be the person that God can mold. Be the person that is willing to listen to Heavenly Father and be able to answer someone elses prayer. There are soooo many distraught people in this world. Without hope, like I was for a little bit, but you can be that answer to someone's prayer. I know that also if you pray for these experiences you will get them.
I love you all so much. I know that God is REAL!!! He watches over all of us. He knows our struggles, and our weeknesses. All we need is to be open and help Him in helping each other.
Ik hou van jullie!!!
Groetjes, Fijne week Ferder!
Zuster Stewart-Chester